Trussed Beef Pot Roast with Autumn Vegetables

Easy Easy
Under 30 Min. Under 30 Min.
Under 2 Hrs. Under 2 Hrs.
4-6 4-6
Trussed Beef Pot Roast with Autumn Vegetables
A delicious beef roast that can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge until ready to cook. The perfect Sunday roast to bring to the table in your Signature Oval Casserole.
  • Meat


  • 1,2kg beef silverside roast
  • 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 200g parsnips, halved lengthways and peeled
  • 2 turnips, quartered
  • 120g baby carrots, peeled
  • 2 red onions, quartered
  • 200g orange sweet potato, cut into chunks
  • 125ml red wine
  • 500ml beef stock
  • 4 sprigs rosemary, plus extra sprigs to garnish
  • Method

  • 1
    Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • 2
    Trim any excess fat off the beef roast, and then roll it up and truss using butcher’s knots. See Quick Tip below.
  • 3
    Heat a Le Creuset Signature Oval Casserole and brown the trussed beef in a little oil. Remove meat from the casserole and season well with salt and pepper.
  • 4
    Brown the vegetables in batches in the same casserole.
  • 5
    Remove the vegetables and deglaze the pan with the red wine. Allow the wine to reduce by half and then add the beef stock and the browned trussed beef.
  • 6
    Place the lid on the casserole and roast in the preheated oven for 1 hour.
  • 7
    At this stage return the browned vegetables to the casserole, along with the rosemary. Cover with the lid and roast for another 15 minutes.
  • 8
    If the meat and vegetables have not browned by this stage, turn the oven up to 220°C, remove the lid and cook for another 10-15 minutes until they are golden brown. Remove the beef and vegetables from the casserole, and cover with foil to allow the meat to rest.
  • 9
    Place the casserole dish with the sauce back on the stovetop over high heat and allow it to reduce to coating consistency (the sauce sticks to and coats the back of a spoon). Adjust the seasoning and place the well-rested meat and vegetables back in the casserole, garnish with fresh rosemary and serve.
  • 10
    Quick Tip: How to Truss Beef
  • 11
    First roll up the trimmed meat. Starting at one side, wrap a piece of cotton string around the circumference of the roast and tie a firm double knot.
  • 12
    Pull the string about 2cm across from the knot and hold it in place with your thumb. Again, wrap the string around the rolled roast, and loop firmly it under the string you’re holding in place with your thumb.
  • 13
    Repeat until the entire rolled meat is firmly trussed in place. Tie a good double knot and trim off the end of the string.