Mediterranean-Style Terrine

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Under 1 hr. Under 1 hr.
4-6 4-6
Mediterranean-Style Terrine
This flavoursome terrine works as a wonderful main served with a fresh green salad or vegetables or as a vegetable side dish.
  • Vegetables


  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 x 400g cans plum tomatoes, drained from juice
  • 4 medium-sized aubergines
  • 250g buffalo mozzarella cheese
  • 40g parmesan cheese, grated
  • Sea salt and cracked black pepper
  • Method

  • 1
    Preheat the oven to 180C/ Fan 160C/ Gas Mark 5.
  • 2
    In a pan, gently fry the garlic in 3 tablespoons of the olive oil for 3-4 minutes. Once they start to brown, add the drained tomatoes and simmer over a low heat for 8-10 minutes until the sauce reduces and thickens.
  • 3
    Cut the aubergine lengthways into 1cm thick slices and heat the remaining olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. Brown the aubergine slices on both sides then set aside on some kitchen towel to soak up the residual oil.
  • 4
    Slice the mozzarella into 1/2 cm thick slices and prepare all your cooked ingredients for layering.
  • 5
    First, cover the bottom of the terrine well with a couple of aubergine slices. Sprinkle over a handful of grated parmesan, then place over a layer of sliced mozzarella and finish with a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce. Repeat the layering process with all the ingredients.
  • 6
    Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes with the lid on, before removing and baking for another 30 minutes uncovered.
  • 7
    Once baked, remove from the oven and allow to cool to room temperature. Serve with a salad of aromatic herbs like chervil, coriander and tarragon seasoned with vinaigrette.
• If the terrine is served lukewarm it will not be totally set. If you prefer to serve warm, this dish is best served with a spoon.
• To make the perfect vinaigrette to dress your side salad simply combine the juice of 1 lemon with a tablespoon of runny honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Le Creuset