Privacy Notice - Retail CCTV
Le Creuset Finland Oy at Taastrup Hovedgade 12, DK-2630 Taastrup, Denmark informs you that the personal data contained in the footage of the video surveillance system of our stores, where indicated with a special sign, will be processed in order to pursue the protection of persons and property against possible aggressions, theft, robbery, damage, acts of vandalism, or purposes of fire prevention or safety at work, as well as for the pursuit of our legitimate interest through the collection of evidences and for organisational needs. In this case, measures have been taken to minimise data processing and prevent possible risks to data subjects.
The images collected will not be used for purposes of remote control of the activity performed by workers, except for the detection of illegal or fraudulent conduct punishable by criminal penalties. Occasionally it is possible to view images remotely for organisational needs and visual merchandising but only outside store opening hours with prior notice and permission, and without recording images. Some devices collect statistical data from visitors relevant to the organisational needs of the stores, exclusively in anonymous form, without recording images, and in any case through methods that prevent the recognition even indirect of those concerned.
The data will be processed by electronic means only by authorised Le Creuset personnel, and for organisational needs by other Le Creuset group staff specifically identified in writing.
The footage of the recordings made will be kept for 3 Days, then it will be deleted, unless special needs related to investigative activities, or other needs of the police or justice. Personal data will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties, except for the needs mentioned above.
We have placed a short notice with an icon in the supervised areas, using prominent signs.
Data subjects have the privacy rights provided for by data protection laws. By way of example, it is possible to request at any time which data are acquired and how they are used, their cancellation, or oppose the processing for legitimate reasons, by making a written request to the data controller at: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman.